Photos: Evelyne Goupy
The theme of this performance is the brevity of life.
This piece was created especially for the Sete Festival event. It is based on Paul Valéry’s poem “Le cimetière marin”, ”Graveyard by the sea” in English because the poet was inspired by the cemetery of Sete and he was buried there.
Into a large bottle of water are three fishes. The artist tries to fill the glass of water wearing boxing gloves.
Water is the symbol of life, but you cannot live trying always to protect yourself. So she removes the gloves and drinks from the bottle.
After that, she read the poem by Paul Valéry and wrote it on the floor with water. She provided glasses of water and brushes to the audience to write their names on the floor.
Water evaporating, shows how life fades, represented by our names.
This is part of the poem:
Comme le fruit se fond en jouissance,
Comme en délice il change son absence
Dans une bouche où sa forme se meurt,
Je hume ici ma future fumée,
Et le ciel chante à l’âme consumée
Le changement des rives en rumeur.
Paul Valéry, 1920